Berea Community Learning Farm, Inc. All of our plots are designated as organic plots meaning only organic gardening methods are allowed. Use of pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides made from synthetic materials as well as use of chemical fertilizers such as Miracle Grow or Osmocote are forbidden. Only those organic products approved by OMRI and labeled as such may be used. In addition, NO SMOKING is permitted at the farm. You may smoke in the parking lot in your car. NO BUTTS should be left behind. This is due to the transfer of Tobacco Mosaic Disease from processed tobacco into the soil. This disease lasts in soil 50 years and destroys vegetable crops and often entire farms.
SEASONALPLOTASSIGNMENT.Returning and newgardeners are required to apply each year. Plots will be tilled and ready for planting beginning in April. New gardeners MUST attend orientation, you will not have a plot staked until you do. LIABILITY WAIVER. All returning and new gardeners are required to sign a Liability Waiver, you will not have a plot staked until you do. PLANTINGDEADLINE. Due to demand for gardening space, plots must be planted by mid June. If the plot is not planted and tended by then, the plot may be reassigned. If you change your mind about gardening, please notify us. If you notify us before June 10, plot fees will be refunded if requested.
“WEEDor LOSEYOURPLOT”POLICY. Gardeners are required to weed at least once a week. If a plot is not weeded and remains untended for more than 14 days, your license to the garden plot will be terminated and plot fees will not be refunded. REPORTINGWEEDYPLOTS. Confidential complaints about weedy plots may be made as well.
GOODNEIGHBORPOLICY. Please show respect for other gardeners by not entering other plots without permission. We do not permit gardeners to grow plants that are taller than 4 feet because they can shade neighboring plots. Please, no sunflowers as these grow too tall!
FARM HOURS. Generally you may access your garden plot between 7am and 8:30 pm each day of the growing season (April to October). We may change farm hours or establish rules limiting the your access in order to accommodate school groups. PROHIBITED PLANTS. Perennials that are difficult for successive gardeners to eradicate must not be grown (e.g., horseradish, bamboo, comfrey, purslane, mint, grapes, woody trees or shrubs, and brambles such as raspberries). We also do not permit gardeners to grow cereal and grain crops. Crops like squash can be planted, but do not expect to save the seeds for next year because of possible cross pollination.
PATHMAINTENANCE. Gardeners are responsible for maintaining the perimeter of their garden. In addition, gardeners must keep paths abutting their plots passable and free from equipment, debris, weeds, sticks, rocks, wood chips and wayward fencing material. NEVER PLACE WOOD CHIPS OR PLANT DEBRIS ON THE PATHS BETWEEN PLOTS OR OUTSIDE THE PERIMETER OF YOUR PLOT. Donotdigorplantoutsideof yourplotboundaries. Plants growing in pathways may be damaged by mowing.
TOOLS. Gardeners may borrow tools so long as the tools are brushed off and returned to the shed after use. Please keep the shed door closed. Tomato cages are not stored in the shed but are available for gardeners.
WATER. We collect water from the roof of the barn. In years where there is not enough rainfall, we supplement that water with city water. If the 2 storage tanks are empty please send an email immediately to [email protected]. PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK THAT THE WATER VALVES ARE TURNED OFF AFTER USING THE WATER!
MULCH. Mulch is encouraged as long as it is organic. Leaf mulch is usually available at the farm for gardeners’ use. Mulch purchased from Home Depot or Marc’s is not allowed with the exception of the organic “OMRI CERTIFIED” 4 cubic foot compressed block of Sphagnum Peat Moss available at Home Depot. Carpet mulch and stone mulch areNOTallowed anywhere in plots, outside the perimeter of plots or in the paths between plots.
COMPOST. We make our own compost on the Farm (for use on the Farm only) in amounts not exceeding the statute limits of the State of Ohio Revised Code. FINISHED COMPOST may be used as a soil amendment when you plant will and be made available as supplies last. WE CANNOT MAKE OUR SUPER GOOD COMPOST FAST ENOUGH SO PLEASE HELP US! We are desperate for the following to make compost from:
Vegetable and fruit scraps and peels from your kitchen (preferable cut up into 2” cubes or smaller )
Veggies and fruits that have “gone bad” in your fridge
Left-over cooked veggies, in water only (no sauces or butter)
Egg shells, preferable rinsed out
Coffee grounds (paper filters included)
Tea Bags (strings, staples & tags removed; paper teabags are fine)
Rabbit litter or back-yard chicken litter (NOTE: NO other pet litter is safe.)
MANURE that is well-composted or sterilized is allowed and is provided at no charge. You may not bring in manure from outside sources because of the risk of bacterial contamination (e.g., E coli).
VEHICLES. Vehicles may only be parked in the parking lot. Other than the farmer’s vehicle(s), no vehicle may be driven onto any part of the property.
PETS. Pets are not allowed at the farm at any time
CHILDREN. All persons under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or teacher while at the Farm.
EXTRA PRODUCE: If you have extra produce it can be donated to SCAN or the Berea Outreach.
PLANTREFUSE: Old stalks and seedless weed stems may be used as mulch within your plots as surface compost around plants. Undesirable plant material or propagating seed heads should be disposed of by taking them home (better yet, do not let undesirable plants and weeds make seeds. Get rid of them first.). Diseased plants should be bagged up and removed from property by the gardener as we have no trash service at the farm, No old plants or dirt should be placed in the paths between plots or deposited in the trash bins or anywhere else on the property.
ORGANICGARDENINGMETHODSONLY: All garden plots are to be tended using organic gardening methods. Use of pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides made from synthetic materials as well as use of chemical fertilizers like Osmocote or Miracle Grow are strictly forbidden. The exception to this rule is that purchased non-organic seed and plants may be used as long as they are then raised organically in the garden.
END OF SEASON: Plots must be cleaned up by 5pm on a date to be designated. Synthetic material and string must be disposed of. Tools, garden equipment such as trellis for beans must also be removed. Failure to clean your plot may lead to denial of your application in the future.