We have massive rain barrels which collect rain water from the roof of our barn. This water is used to water your garden.
Watering cans are available.
Access to basic tools for gardening and weeding (to be shared on site in our tool shed).
Access to information on best organic gardening practices from Farmer Joe. We offer a yearly orientation program to help you get the most from your plot.
Access to use our organic soil amendments and mulch as available.
Access to starter plants to all owners. Individuals will get at least:
4 Tomato plants 4 Basil, Parsley, Kale seedlings as available 4 Other plants dependent on availability
Plot Ordering Requirements Whether you are a returning plot holder from 2024, or new to the community garden, there are a couple things you must do to have a plot order approved and staked for 2025:
Be willing to sign the Liability Waiver. The waiver is new to BCLF but a common requirement in community gardens. View and download Liability Waiver,CLICK HERE!
Your signed Liability Waiver will be gathered at the time of your plot staking, or you may email it to us at [email protected].
If you are new to our community garden then you must be willing to attend a brief orientation
Submit your plot selection(s) and payment online (select plot size & quantity below) or submit your plot selection(s) and payment via mail by downloading the Mail-in Farm Plot Order form below.
Plots are available for the 2025 growing season at the following rates:
Youth Plot (5x3) for $15.00
Individual Plot (10x3) for $30.00
Family Plot (15x3) for $45.00
(If limited income prevents you from paying the plot fee, the fee can be waived for a Youth or Individual Plot. Submit the Mail-in Plot Form below)
You can purchase your plot(s) online (select the plot size and quantity below) or via mail by downloading the form below. Thanks